See, i lost my capability in english. I never use it anymore since 2005. Sometimes Anin's mom talk to me in english, but not often. It happens if I come to her house. How pity I'am.Puff!!
But I push my self to read english literature since i have a purpose to continue my old story. It was about surfer girl.
And you know what, i laugh after read surfing handbook. OH MY GOD! I dont know the meaning exactly. I dont understand a lot of words, guys? So i just guess what's the meaning!
Huahahaha. But its ok. I think i should go forward, and never stop to do it. This handbook
gives me a good lesson actually. And what about you? Is your english better now? Or worst?
*kalo ada salah tulis, kesalahan bukan pada mata anda tapi kekurangan saya
But I push my self to read english literature since i have a purpose to continue my old story. It was about surfer girl.
And you know what, i laugh after read surfing handbook. OH MY GOD! I dont know the meaning exactly. I dont understand a lot of words, guys? So i just guess what's the meaning!
Huahahaha. But its ok. I think i should go forward, and never stop to do it. This handbook
gives me a good lesson actually. And what about you? Is your english better now? Or worst?
*kalo ada salah tulis, kesalahan bukan pada mata anda tapi kekurangan saya
Bahasa Inggris... sesuatu yang perlu saya pelajari terus dan terus :D maklum, otak udah karatan huwekekeke... :D bagus bahasa Inggrisnya, sist! Nggak kayak saya, ancor huwekekeke...
BalasHapussaya juga pengen ngimprov bahasa inggris, mbak.. mau naikin toefl score. :D
BalasHapusahahaha...ini gak cuma improve mori
BalasHapusini ngawur jaya]
tuteh jadi malu, maklum dulu kan agak bau bule ( keteknya kaleee)